Abstracts of oral presentations and posters


1.    DILL, H. G. und  SCHWAB, R. (1978) Lagerstättenkundliche Untersuchungen zur Entstehung der Pyrit führenden Blei-Kupfer-Zink-Lagerstätte Accesa (SW-Toskana). - Fortschritte Mineralogie  Beiheft:  56, 14.


2.    ZECH, W., VÖLKL, W. und DILL, H. G. (1979) Beitrag zur bodensystematischen Stellung kalkalpiner Verwitterungslehme. - Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft


3.    DILL, H. G. (1981) Lagerstättenkundliche Untersuchungen im Bereich des Uranvorkommens am Höhensteinweg bei Poppenreuth Krs. Tirschenreuth/NO Bayern. – Nachrichten der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft:  25, 28-30.


4.    DILL, H. G. (1982) Die Uranerz-Struktur Wäldel bei Mähring (NE Bayern). – Fortschritte Mineralogie  Beiheft:  60, 61- 62.


5.    DILL, H. G. (1982) Mineralogische und geochemische Untersuchungen im Ver-witterungsbereich von gangförmigen Uranvorkommen des nord-ost-bayerischen Kristallins. - Nachrichten der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft : 27, 33 - 34.


6.    DILL, H. G. (1983) Neue Ergebnisse zur Mineralogie und Geologie der Buntmetall- und Spatvorkommen des Grundgebirges in Nordbayern. - Fachsektion Lagerstättenforschung in der GDMB, 8, Warstein


7.    DILL, H. G., CARL, C., HÖHNDORF, A., KREUZER, H. und WENDT, I. (1983).  Mineralogie und Geochronologie des Uranvorkommens am Höhensteinweg bei Poppenreuth(Oberpfalz). - Fachsektion Lagerstättenforschung in der GDMB, 9, Warstein


8.    CARL, C. und DILL, H. G. (1983) U-Pb Datierungen von Pechblenden aus Wölsendorf/-Oberpfalz. -  43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen geophysikalischen Gesellschaft: 76, Aachen


9.    CARL, C., DILL, H. G., KREUZER, H. and WENDT, I. (1983) U-Pb dating of U ores in NE Bavaria. - Terra Cognita, 1983, 195-196, Straßburg


10.   CARL, C. and DILL, H. G. (1984) Dating of secondary uranium minerals from the NE Bavarian Basement. - Terra Cognita, 1984, 13-14, Straßburg


11.   CARL, C. and DILL, H. G(1984) 87/86 Strontium variations in barite occurrences of NE Bavaria.- Terra Cognita, 1984, 31, 1984, Straßburg


12.   DILL, H. G. (1984) Fault-controlled uranium black ore mineralization from the western edge of the Bohemian Massif. - Abstr. International geological Congress Moscow


13.   DILL, H. G. (1984) Zum Auftreten von Silber im Westteil der Böhmischen Masse (NE-Bayern). - Fachsektion Lagerstättenforschung in der GDMB, Edelmetalltagung, Geisenheim


14.   DILL, H. G. (1985) Black shales from the western edge of the Bohemian Massif and their metallogenic significance. - Terra Cognita, 5, 56, Straßburg


15.   DILL, H. G. (1985) Granite-related and granite-induced ore mineralization from the Western edge of the Bohemian Massif. - "Heat producing granites", St. Austell


16.   DILL, H. G. (1986) Fasziesanalyse und Diagenesestudien unterpermischer vulkano-klastischer Konglomerat-Siltstein-Serien im Stockheimer Becken: Ihre Bedeutung für die Kohlebildung und für die Uran-Metallogenese. – Abstrakt  Deutschen Sedimentologentreffen, 30-33, Freiburg


17.   DILL, H. G. (1986) The granite-bound vein-type deposits (uranium-tin-tungsten) from the NE Bavarian basement - with special reference to episyenitic wall rock alteration. - Abstrakt Tagung der Geologischen  Vereinigung,: 20-21, Gießen.


18.   BEHR, H.-J. and DILL, H. G. (1986) Ore mineralization and fluid migration in the Mid European thrusted orogen. Preliminary studies for the "Continental Deep Drilling Program". – IAGOD-Symposium, 1, Lulea


19.   HÖHNFORF, A. and DILL, H. G. (1986) Lead isotope studies of Pb-, Sb-, and Bi-ore mineralizations from the western edge of the Bohemian Massif (F.R. Germany). - 6th Int. Conf. Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology, Cambridge/ Großbritannien, Terra Cognita.


20.   DILL, H. G. und BOTZ, R. (1986) Mineralogie und Geochemie von Karbonatlagen und Karbonatisierungszonen in (vulkano- klastischen Sedimenten des nordbayerischen Rotliegenden. – Fortschritte Mineralogie  Beiheft:  64, 33.


21.   DILL, H. G. (1987) Fluvial facies patterns and chemical sediments of the Upper Triassic "Burgsandstein" (F.R. Germany): Their implication concerning mineralization of U, Ba, and base metals. -, IV. EUG mee¬ting, Terra Cognita 1987, 321, Straßburg


22.   BEHR, H.-J. and DILL, H. G. (1987) Ore mineralization and fluid migration in the Mid-European thrusted orogenic belt. - IV. EUG meeting, Terra Cognita, 1987, 325, Straßburg.


23.   BEHR, H.-J. and DILL, H. (1987) Geochemical facies analysis and metallogenesis of the Upper Proterozoic "Varied Group", F.R. of Germany. - Symp. "Geochemistry of theProterozoic", Lund.

24.   DILL, H. G. (1987) Mineralogie, Geochemie und Lithofazies der Uranvererzungen im süddeutschen Keuper. – Fortschritte Mineralogie  Beiheft: 65, 39.


25.   DILL, H. (1987) Metallogenic evolution at the Saxothuringian - Moldanubian plate boundary in the Mid European Variscides. - 5th Meeting of Euro¬pean Geological Societies, 1987, Dubrovnic, 26.


26.   DILL, H. G., TESCHNER, M. and WEHNER, H. (1988) Petrography, inorganic and organic geochemistry of Lower Permian Carbonaceous fan sequences from the Weiden and Schmidgaden Basin, F.R.G.: Basin evolution and assessment of their source rock potential. -Terra Cognita, 8, 8-9, Jülich.


27.   DILL, H . G. (1988) Faziesentwicklung im Permo-Karbon des Stockheimer Beckens. - Bochumer geologische  und geotechnesche Arbeiten: 29, 27-28, 1988, "Sediment '88", Bochum.


28.   DILL, H. G. (1988) Die Metallogenese im Grenzbereich Saxothuringikum - Moldanubikum (N-Bayern). – Fortschritte Mineralogie  Beiheft:  66, 26.


29.   DILL, H. G., TESCHNER, M. und WEHNER, H. (1988) Petrographie und Geochemie der permokarbonen Brandschiefer-Serie. Möglichkeiten zur Bestimmung der Paläogeographie und ihres Lagerstättenpotentials. – Fortschritte Mineralogie  Beiheft:  66, 27.


30.   DILL, H. G. (1988) Faziesvariation in permo-triassischen klastischen und vulkanoklastischen Gesteinen: Ihre Bedeutung für die Genese von Buntmetall- und Uranvererzungen. – Nachrichten der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft:  39, 15-16 .


31.   DILL, H. G. (1988) Geologic setting, mineralogy, geochemistry of barite mineralization from Southern Germany - with special reference to the Late Variscan unconformity. – COFAB-Meeting, 14-15, Kutna Hora


32.   DILL, H. G. und KEMPER, E. (1989) Mineralogische und geochemische Untersuchungen zur Pyritisierung im Grenzbereich Apt - Barreme des Niedersächsischen Beckens. – Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck: 16, 24-25.


33.   DILL, H. G. (1989) Sedimentologie eines alluvialen Schüttungsfächers im Bereich der Oberkreide von Parkstein (NE-Bayern): Ein Beitrag zur Abtragungs¬geschichte im ostbayerischen Grundgebirge. - Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck: 16, 142.


34.   DILL, H., RUHLAND, I., M. TESCHNER und WEHNER, H. (1989) Erstfund von Kohlen-wasserstoffen im Permo-Karbon des Weidener Beckens (NO-Bayern). - Nachrichten der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft : 41, 23.

35.   DILL, H. G. (1989) Die Abtragungsgeschichte der mitteleuropäischen Varisziden im Lichte der Schwermineral- und Geröllführung permischer und kreta¬zischer Sedimente.- Nachrichten der Deutschen Gesellschaft : 41, 87-88

36.   DILL, H. G. (1989) Petrography of metamorphic rocks. - Joint Indonesian-German seminar on Uranium Exploration, Geology and Extraction-Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional, 21, Jakarta.


37.   DILL, H. G.(1990) Zur Metallogenese am Westrand der Böhmischen Masse zwischen Devon und Kreide. - 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für geologische Wissenschaften der DDR (GGW), 9-10, Jena.


38.   DILL, H. G. (1990) Zur Stratigraphie und Lithologie des Permokarbons im Weidener Becken. - 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für geologische Wissenschaften der DDR (GGW),  Jena,64-65.


39.   DILL, H. G. (1990) Metallogenetic evolution in the South German Variscides. - 3ème cycle en Sciences de la Terra - Variscan Orogeny - Fribourg, Schweiz 15 .


40.   DILL, H. G., KOCH, J., TESCHNER, M. und WEHNER, H. (1991) Basin subsidence, Carbon Accumulation, Hydrocarbon Migration and ore Deposition during Permo- Carboniferous at the Western Edge of the Bohemian Massif (Germany). - 12th Inter. Congress of Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy and Geology, 32, Buenos Aires.


41.   DILL, H.G. (1991) The Permo-Carboniferous Metallogenetic Evolution in Central Europe. An Outline. - 12th Intern. Congress of Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy and Geology, 31-32, Buenos Aires .


42.   DILL, H. G. (1993) The evolution of the intramontane basins during the Permo-Carboniferous at the western edge of the Bohemian Massif-Environment of deposition - Economic geology. - 8th Meeting of the Assoc. of European Geol. Societies, Budapest.


43.   DILL, H.G. (1994) Review  of the late Variscan and early Alpine metallogeny in Central Europe.-Variscan metallogeny in the Alpine orogenic belt, International Conference Stara Lesna, Slovakia 25. Sept.- 2. Oct., 12 .


44.   DILL, H.G. and HORN, E.E. (1994) Fluid inclusions in sarabauite and calcite of the Lucky Hill District (Malaysia).- Pacrofi, 5, Mexico-City.


45.   DILL, H.G. (1994) Facies Variation and mineralization in central Europe from the Late Paleozoic through the Cenozoic. A review of post-Varsican metallogenesis in continental and near-shore marine environments from the sedimentologic point of view.-- 9th Symposium of International Association on the Genesis of ore Deposits, Abstracts, 559-561, Bejing.


46.   DILL, H.G., WEISER, T., BERNHARDT, I.R. and RIERA KILIBARDA, C. (1994) The stibnite-quartz vein-type deposit at Kharma, Bolivia.- 9th Symposium of International Association on the Genesis of ore Deposits, Abstracts, 148-149, Bejing.

47.   DILL, H.G. (1995) Heavy minerals in Permo-Carboniferous clastic, volcaniclastic and igneous rocks. Their application to stratigraphic, diagenetic and provenance studies in SE Germany.- 13th Inter. Congress of Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy and Geology, 32, Kracow.


48.   DILL, H.G. (1996) Heavy-mineral response to the progradation of an alluvial fan. Implications concerning unroofing of source area,chemical weathering and paleo-relief (Upper Cretaceous Parkstein fan complex/ SE Germany).- 17 th IAS Regional African-European Meeting of Sedimentology, 77, Sfax.


49.   DILL, H.G.  (1997) Dating and geological constraining of U, Pb-Zn, F-Ba and Au-Sb mineralization in Paleozoic rocks-The question of Alpine ore mineralization in Variscan terrains.- IUGS//UNESCO Deposit Modelling Program, Paleozoic granite-related gold, copper, molydenum, tungsten, rare-earth (REE) deposits and epithermal gold deposits in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, 34-36, Almaty.


50.   DILL, H.G. (1997) Heavy minerals in clastic sediments-A transect from the alluvial fan through the nearshore marine environments.- 6 th   International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology, Cape Town University, 50, Cape Town.


51.   DILL, H.G. and PÖLLMANN, H. (1999) Chemical composition and mineral matter of paralic and limnic coal types of lignite through anthracite rank (Germany).- 14 th Inter. Congress of Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy and Geology, Calgary, 28.


52.   KASSBOHM,  J., HENNING K.-H. und DILL H. G. (2000) Charakterisierung von APS-Mineralphasen (Aluminium-Phosphat-Sulfat-Verbindungen) in Kaolinen mittels TEM-EDX DTTG 2000 – Abstrakt der  Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ton  und Tonmineralgruppe Zürich, Schweiz 30 th August - 1st September.


53.   DILL, H.G. (2001) Placer deposits-Sedimentary, mineralogical and economic aspects.- Proceedings of the Intern. Workshop on Material Characterisation by Solid State Spectroscopy: The Minerals of Vietnam; Hanoi., April 4 – 10.


54.   DILL, H.G. (2004) A cross section through a savanna-type mountaineous region: Applied sedimentology and geomorphology of  Cenozoic rocks in the Blantyre area.- 1 st Symposium on Environmental Geology of Urban and Regional Development Planning, Blantyre 27 th – 29 th April 2004, Malawi


55.   DILL, H.G. (2006) Sedimentologisch-geomorphologische und mineralogische Methoden in der Aufsuchung von Edelmetall- und Edelsteinvorkommen. Tagung der DeutschenGemmologischen Gesellschaft, 20. -  21. Mai 2006, Idar-Oberstein


56.   DILL, H.G. (2006) Terrain analysis and placer deposits : With special reference to gemstone placer deposits in  Asia and Africa.- Asia Oceanic Geosciences Society 3 th Annual Meeting, Singapore


57.   DILL, H.G., MELCHER, F., FUESSL, M. and WEBER, B. (2006) The origin of  nigrine (ilmenite-rutile-aggregates) and cassiterite in colluvial-fluvial placer deposits of the Hagendorf Pegmatite Province  (NE Bavaria, Germany).- 12 th Quadrennial IAGOD (International Asssociation on the Genesis of Ore Deposits) Symposium 2006, August 21- 24, Moscow, 9, (plus CD ROM)


58.   DILL, H.G. (2006) Lithofacies terrain analysis in search of placer deposits and construction materials in Malawi and Mongolia.- 12 th Quadrennial IAGOD (International Asssociation on theGenesis of Ore Deposits) Symposium 2006, August 21- 24, Moscow, 9, (plus CD ROM)


59.   DILL, H.G.,  SACHSENHOFER, R., GRECULA, P., SASVARI, T., PALINKAS, L., BOROJEVIC-SOSTARIC,  S., STRMIC-PALINKAS S., PROCHASKA, W., GARUTI, G., ZACCARINI, F., ARBOUILLE, D. and   SCHULZ H. (2006) The origin of mineral and energy resources of Central Europe.- 12 th Quadrennial IAGOD (International Asssociation on the Genesis of Ore Deposits) Symposium 2006, August 21- 24, Moscow, 114, (plus CD ROM)


60.   DILL, H.G., MELCHER, F and BOTZ, R. (2006) Antimony deposits in western Thailand – a model for meso- to epithermal Sb mineralization in calcareous rocks and a comparison with antimony deposits in Southeast Asia.-12 th Quadrennial IAGOD (International Asssociation on the Genesis of Ore Deposits) Symposium 2006, August 21- 24, Moscow, 17, (plus CD ROM)


61.   KHISHIGSUREN, S., DILL, H.G., OYUNGEREL, S. and MUNKHBAT, B. (2006) Bogd Uul Granite in Central Mongolia.- 12 th Quadrennial IAGOD (International Asssociation on theGenesis of Ore Deposits) Symposium 2006, August 21- 24, Moscow, 70-71, (plus CD ROM)


62.   MELCHER, F., DILL, H.G., FUESSL, M. and WEBER, B. (2006) Composition and texture of Ti-, Nb- and Sn oxides in heavy mineral aggregates from placer deposits of the Hagendorf pegmatite province,  NE Bavaria.- European Journal of Mineralogy Beiheft 18, 90.


63.   DILL, H.G.,  SACHSENHOFER, R., GRECULA, P., SASVARI, T., PALINKAS, L., BOROJEVIC-SOSTARIC,  S., STRMIC-PALINKAS S., PROCHASKA, W., GARUTI, G., ZACCARINI, F., ARBOUILLE, D. and  SCHULZ H. (2006) Concentration of organic matter, ore and industrial minerals in time and space in Central Europe.- European Journal of Mineralogy Beiheft 18, 29.


64.   DILL, H.G.,  SACHSENHOFER, R., GRECULA, P., SASVARI, T., PALINKAS, L., BOROJEVIC-SOSTARIC,  S., STRMIC-PALINKAS S., PROCHASKA, W., GARUTI, G., ZACCARINI, F., ARBOUILLE, D. and  SCHULZ H. (2006) The origin of mineral and energy resources of Central Europe (accompanied by metallogenic map 1: 2500000).- 3rd Mid-European Clay Conference, September 18 to 23, Opatija, Croatia.


65.   DILL, H.G., HENJES-KUNST F., BERNER F., STÜBEN Z. and  FUESSL M. (2007)  Diagenetic and epigenetic celestite deposition in the Neogene from Cyprus and the Arabian Gulf: a model for evaporite-associated ore and industrial mineral deposits.- (Society of Applied Geology) Proceedings of the 9th Biennial SGA Meeting, volume 2, 835-838, Dublin, Ireland


66.   DILL, H.G.,  SACHSENHOFER, R., GRECULA, P., SASVARI, T., PALINKAS, L., BOROJEVIC-SOSTARIC,  S., STRMIC-PALINKAS S., PROCHASKA, W., GARUTI, G., ZACCARINI, F., ARBOUILLE, D. and  SCHULZ H. (2007) Concentration of ore and industrial minerals in Central Europe: temporal, structural and sequence stratigraphic classification schemes.- (Society of Applied Geology) Proceedings of the 9th Biennial SGA Meeting, volume 1, 3-6, Dublin, Ireland


67.   DILL, H.G.,  SACHSENHOFER, R., GRECULA, P., SASVARI, T., PALINKAS, L., BOROJEVIC-SOSTARIC,  S., STRMIC-PALINKAS S., PROCHASKA, W., GARUTI, G., ZACCARINI, F., ARBOUILLE, D. and  SCHULZ H. (2006) The origin of mineral and energy resources of Central Europe (accompanied by a metallogenic map 1: 2500000).- 58. Berg.- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, Freiberg/ Sachsen, 13. bis 15. Juni. 2007, Deutschland (poster)


68.   DILL, H.G. (2009) Nuclear fuels another string to the bow on the Arabian Penisula.-  International Conference on Materials in Jordan (Humboldt-Kolleg) March 4 – 6, 2009, Amman, 20.


69.   DILL, H.G. (2009) The Hagendorf-Pleystein phosphate pegmatites (NE Bavaria, Germany) – A mineralogical, chronological and sedimentological overview.- Estudos Geologicos, 19, 117- 120, 4th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites, PEG 2009, Recife, Brazil


70.   DILL, H.G. and  WEBER (2009) Pleystein-City on Pegmatite.-  4th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites, PEG 2009, Recife, Brazil (poster)


71.   DILL, H.G. (2009) Die Pegmatitprovinz von Hagendorf-Pleystein in der Oberpfalz/ Deutschland aus sedimentologischer, mineralogischer und lagerstättenkundlicher Sicht.- 161. Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 30.09.2009-02.10.2009, Dresden


72.   DILL, H.G., KLOSA, D., STEYER, G. and  WEBER, B.  (2009) The “Donauplatin”: Source rock analysis, morphology, granulometry and origin of fluvial and alluvial Au-PGE placers related to ultramafic rocks and impacts in Central Europe.- Proceedings of  IGCP-514 “Fluvial Palaeo Systems: Evolution and Mineral Deposits, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin and Bejing Research Institute of Uranium Geology October 14-18, 2009, 16-19, Gulin, China.


73.   DILL, H.G. and WEBER, B. (2010) Wölsendorf fluorspat – too precious to turn into acid. 13 th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium (International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits), “Giant Ore Deposits Down-Under”, April 6 to 9, 2010 , Adelaide, South Australia

74.   DILL, H.G. (2010) The formation of the Late Variscan Hagendorf-Pleystein phosphate pegmatite province (NE Bavaria, Germany) and their hypogene and supergene alteration.- 13 th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium (International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits), “Giant Ore Deposits  Down-Under”, April 6 to 9, 2010, 203-204, Adelaide, South Australia


75.   DILL, H.G., WEISS, W., BOTZ, R. and  DOHRMANN, R. (2010) Paleontology, sequence stratigraphy, mineralogy and chemical composition of syngenetic and epigenetic baryte- phosphate-bearing Pb-Zn deposits at the stratotype of the K/P boundary (El Kef Area, Tunisia).- 13 th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium (International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits), “Giant Ore Deposits  Down-Under”, April 6 to 9, 2010, 257-258, Adelaide, South Australia


76.   DILL, H.G., KLOSA, D., STEYER, G. and  WEBER, B. (2010) The ‘Donauplatin’ : source rock analysis, morphology, granulometry and origin of a distal fluvial Au-PGE placer related to ultramafic rocks and impacts in Central Europe.- 13 th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium (International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits), “Giant Ore Deposits  Down-Under”, April 6 to 9, 2010, 334-335, Adelaide, South Australia


77.   DILL, H.G. and WEBER, B. (2010) Mineralogy and morphology of fluorite: the origin of the granite- and unconformity-related fluorine deposits of the Nabburg-Wölsendorf district, SW Germany: with special reference to fetid fluorite.- 13 th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium (International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits), “Giant Ore Deposits  Down-Under”, April 6 to 9, 2010, 348-349, Adelaide, South Australia


78.   DILL, H.G. (2010)  The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits  for application, research and training in mineralogy and geology.- 13 th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium (International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits), “Giant Ore Deposits  Down-Under”, April 6 to 9, 2010, 350-351, Adelaide, South Australia


79.   DILL, H.G., WEBER, B., GERDES, A. and HANSEN, B. (2010) Chronology, mineralogy and geomorphology of supergene uranium mineralization in granitic terrains in the Central European Variscides.- 13 th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium (International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits), “Giant Ore Deposits  Down-Under”, April 6 to 9, 2010, 388-389, Adelaide, South Australia


80.   DILL, H.G. (2010) The “Chessboard” classification scheme ofmineral deposits-geology and mineralogy from aluminium to zirconium.-  20 th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 21–27 August, 2010,  Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract 6, 221, Budapest, Hungary


81.   DILL, H.G., BOTZ, R., DOHRMANN, R. and  WEISS, W. (2010) The syngenetic-epigenetic baryte-phosphate-bearing Pb-Zn deposit Sekarna (Tunisia), in the stratotype area of the K/P boundary.-  20 th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 21–27 August, 2010,  Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract 6, 302, Budapest, Hungary


82.   DILL, H.G., GERDES, A., HANSEN, B.T., WEBER, B. and  KECK, E. (2010) Age and mineralogy of supergene uranium and manganese minerals - tools to unravel the supergene alteration in pegmatitic and Granitic terrains (Bohemian Massif, SE Germany) .-  20 th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association 21–27 August, 2010,  Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract 6, 608, Budapest, Hungary


83.   DILL, H.G. (2010) The gemstone deposits in the “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits.- 5 th Workshop on Provenance and Properties of Gems and Geo Materials, October 17 – October 24, 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam


84.   DILL, H.G., ŠKODA, R. and WEBER, B. (2011) Preliminary results of a newly-discovered lazulite-scorzalite pegmatite-aplite in the Hagendorf-Pleystein Pegmatite Province, SE Germany.- Asociación Geológica Argentina, Serie D, Publicación Especial 14: 79-81, Pegmatite 2011, Mendoza, Argentina.


85.   DILL, H.G. (2011) The role of pegmatites in the “chessboard” classification scheme (CCS) of mineral deposits.- Asociación Geológica Argentina, Serie D, Publicación Especial 14: 75-77, Pegmatite 2011, Mendoza, Argentina.


86.   DILL, H.G. (2011) If you look for a mine, look near an ancient smelter – archeometallurgical studies and economic geology at the western edge of the Bohemian Massif, SE Germany.- Metalla (Bochum) Special Publication 4, 1-294, International Conference Archeometallurgy in Europe III, 133.


87.   DILL, H.G. (2011) The “Chessboard” classification scheme of minerals deposits: its use in archeometallurgy.- Metalla (Bochum) Special Publication 4, 1-294, International Conference Archeometallurgy in Europe III, 119.


88.   SCHULER U.,  BARITZ R., WILLER J. und  DILL H.G. (2011) Internationale Klassifizierung von Gesteinen nach pedologischen Gesichtspunkte.- Jahrestagung der Deutschen

Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 3. bis 9. September 2011 in Berlin.


89.   DILL, H.G. and KLOSA, D. (2011) Heavy mineral grains and aggregates a tool to unravel provenance, supergene and hypogene alteration of siliciclastic sediments in continental-marine foreland basins at  the western edge of the Bohemian Massif (NE Bavaria, Germany).-  XIV Congreso Latinoamerica de Geologia, Medellin Colombia, XIII Congreso de Colombiano deGeologiá, “Las Geociencias para el desarrollo de Latinoamérica”, 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2011, 275-276


90.   DILL, H.G. (2011) The “Chessboard” classication scheme of mineraldeposits – A tool for exploration and training.- XIV Congreso Latinoamerica de Geologia, Medellin Colombia, XIII Congreso de Colombiano de Geologiá, “Las Geociencias para el desarrollo de Latinoamérica”, 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2011, 354-355.


91.   DILL, H.G.,  BOTZ, R.,  BERNER Z.,  TECHMER A. and WEBER B. (2011) The origin of pre – and syn-rift, hypogene mineralization during the Cenozoic along the  Dead-Sea-Transform Fault (DSTF).- XIV Congreso Latinoamerica de Geologia, Medellin Colombia, XIII Congreso de Colombiano de Geologiá, “Las Geociencias para el desarrollo de Latinoamérica”, 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2011, 334-335.


92.   DILL H.G., GARRIDO, M. M., MELCHER, F., GOMEZ, M. C., WEBER, B., LUNA,  L. I. and  BAHR A. (2011) The epithermal In-Au-Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag  deposit San Roque (Provincia Rio Negro, SE Argentina) – with special reference to the “indium window” in zinc sulfide.- XIV Congreso Latinoamerica de Geologia, Medellin Colombia, XIII Congreso de Colombiano de Geologiá, “Las Geociencias para el desarrollo de Latinoamérica”, 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2011, 270.


93.   DILL, H.G. and WEBER B. (2011) Metalliferous duricrusts “orecretes” A morphoclimatic approach to supergene ore mineralization.- XIV Congreso Latinoamerica de Geologia, Medellin Colombia, XIII Congreso de Colombiano de Geologiá, “Las Geociencias para el desarrollo de Latinoamérica”, 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre de 2011, 272-274.


94.   DILL, H.G. (2011) The Chessboard classification scheme of mineral deposits – geology and mineralogy from aluminium to zirconium.- I Congreso Venezolano de las Geociencias- Hacia una mayor “Geo-Simbiosis”, Caracas, 5 al 8 de diciembre de 2011.


95.   LINDENMAIER. F., BEUKES, CHRISTELIS, G., H., DILL, H.G., FENNER, J., HIMMELSBACH, T., KAUFHOLD, S., KRINGEL, R., LOHE, C., LUDWIG, R., MILLER, R., NICK, A., QUINGER, M., SCHILDKNECHT, F., WALZER, A., VAN WYK, B. and ZAUTER, H. (2012) Deep fresh groundwater resources in the Cubango Megafan, North Namibia.- Hydrogeology of Arid Environments, March 14 to March 17, 2012, Hannover.


96.   JARRAR, G., DILL, H., G., YASEEN, N. and  WHITEHOUSE, M. J. (2012) The Aheimir Volcanic Suite an Ediacaran post-collisional sequence from the northernmost Arabian Nubian Shield, Wadi Araba, SW Jordan: Age, geochemistry and petrogenesis.- Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 46th Annual Meeting , 23 to 24 April 2012, Dayton.


97.   DILL, H.G. (2012) Introduction to industrial minerals with special regard to ophiolites.- Workshop “Ophiolites and related ore and industrial minerals”, 16 to 22 May 2012, Trapzon, Turkey.


98.   DILL, H.G. (2012) Heavy minerals and placer deposits – An Overview.- International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region IESCA 2012 October 1, 2012 – October 5, 2012 Dokuz Eylül University , Izmir, Turkey.


99.   DILL, H.G. (2012) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits-With special reference to ultrabasic magmatic rocks .- International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region IESCA 2012 October 1, 2012 – October 5, 2012 Dokuz Eylül University , Izmir, Turkey.


100. DILL,  H.G., HENJES-KUNST F., BERNER  Z. and  HANSEN B. T. (2012) Neogene  diagenetic and epigenetic strontium concentration in calcareous series from Tunisia, Cyprus and the Arabian Gulf.- International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region IESCA 2012 October 1, 2012 – October 5, 2012 Dokuz Eylül University , Izmir, Turkey.


101. DILL, H.G.,  MELCHER F.,   KAUFHOLD S., TECHMER A. , WEBER  B. and BÄUMLER W. (2012) Post-Miocene and  bronze-age supergene Cu-Pb arsenate-humate/oxalate-carbonate mineralization at Mega LivadiSerifos, Greece.- International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region IESCA 2012 October 1, 2012 – October 5, 2012 Dokuz Eylül University , Izmir, Turkey.


102. DILL, H.G. and BOTZ R. (2012) Mineralogy and  geology of  zeolite-carbonate mineralization in basic igneous rocks of  the Troodos Complex, Cyprus .- International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region IESCA 2012 October 1, 2012 – October 5, 2012 Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey.


103. DILL, H.G. (2013) The “Chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits.- International Workshop on Base Metals and Precious Metals, May 20 , 2013 –May 27, 2013, Maden Tektik ve Arama (MTA), Ankara, Turkey.


104. DILL, H.G. (2013) Sediment-hosted ore deposits.- International Workshop on Base Metals and Precious Metals, May 20 , 2013 –May 27, 2013, Maden Tektik ve Arama (MTA), Ankara, Turkey.


105. DILL, H.G. (2013) Placer deposits and heavy minerals.- International Workshop on Base Metals and Precious Metals, May 20 , 2013 –May 27, 2013, Maden Tektik ve Arama (MTA), Ankara, Turkey.


106. DILL, H.G. and  WEBER, B. (2013) The root zone of pegmatites and aplites in the Hagendorf-Pleystein Pegmatite Province, SE Germany.- 14 th Congreso Colombiano de Geologia – Primer Simposio de Exploradores, 31 st July to 2 nd August 2013, Bogota, Colombia.


107. DILL, H.G. (2013) Rift- and unconformity-related Mn mineralization in the Middle East from the Late Precambrian through the Cenozoic :A geodynamic and sequence stratigraphical approach to the recycling of Mn.- 14 th Congreso Colombiano de Geologia – Primer Simposio de Exploradores, 31 st July to 2 nd August 2013, Bogota, Colombia.


108. DILL, H.G. (2013) Introduction to industrial minerals with special regard to ophiolite sequences.- 14 th Congreso Colombiano de Geologia – Primer Simposio de Exploradores, 31 st July to 2 nd August 2013, Bogota, Colombia.


109. DILL, H.G. (2013) The time of cheap Raw Materials is running out. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, X th Section of Earth Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.


110. DILL, H.G. (2014) Orecretes linking geosciences and life sciences.- GAC-MAC 2014,Iluminating the past 175 years, May 21, 2014 -May 23, 2014, SY 4, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.


111. DILL, H.G. (2014) The “chessboard” classification scheme of mineral deposits - A tool for application, research and training in geosciences.- GAC-MAC 2014,Iluminating the past 175 years, May 21, 2014 -May 23, 2014, GS5-P 98, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.


112. DILL, H.G. (2014) The built-up and alteration of pegmatites in the Central European Pegmatite Province – Exploration tools from geodynamics to weathering.- GAC-MAC 2014Iluminating the past 175 years, May 21, 2014 -May 23, 2014, SS 25, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.


113. DILL, H.G. (2015) The geology of pegmatites and the CMS classification scheme.- 7th International Symposium on Granitic Pegmatites, PEG 2015, 16-17, Książ, Poland


114. DILL, H.G. (2015) Pegmatites and aplites: A source of energy resources, ore and industrial Minerals.- 1. Meggener Rohstofftage "Minerals for the World", 17. - 19. September, Lennestadt-Meggen, BDG Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler and Tracto-Technik GmbH & Co. KG and Sachtleben Bergbau Verwaltungs-GmbH, Germany.


115. DILL, H.G. (2016) Heavy minerals from ore guide to the deposit.- Mineral Deposits Studies Group 39 th Winter Meeting, 4 th - 7 th January 2016, University College Dublin (UCD), 31-32, Dublin, Irland.


116. DILL, H.G. (2017) Non-metallic and sedimentary mineral deposits associated with active continental margins.- Subduction Related Ore Deposits, September 23-27, 2017, Trapzon, Turkey


117. MELCHER, F., DILL, H. G., WIRTH R.,  TOPA, D. and BAKKER, R. (2017) New Sc-rich phosphate minerals from the Trutzhofmühle aplite, NE Bavaria, Germany. – Mitteilungen Österreische Mineralogische Gesellschaft, 163: 64, 6.-9. September 2017, Innsbruck.


118. DILL, H.G. (2018) Critical elements for green technologies. Annual Seminar of MISU - Academy of Finland, 5 September 2018, Helsinki.


119. DILL, H.G. (2022) Applied Geomorphology and Sedimentology - Tools in Exploration targeting upon Electronic Elements.- The 4 th International Electronic Conference on Geosciences (IECG 2022) Live Session1, December 1, 2022.





1.  KAUFHOLD, S., DILL, H.G. und  DOHRMANN, R. (2013) Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Bestimmen des Mineralanteils eines Tonminerals, insbesondere quellfähigen Tonminerals in

einem Gestein (In-situ-Verfahren).- DE-Patent 102009017487.7, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe [Method and measuring device to determine the proportion of clay minerals in rocks, with special reference to the swelling clay minerals. An in-situ-method.-German Patent 102009017487.7]