H.G. (2008) Diagenetic and epigenetic mineralisation in Central Europe related to surfaces and
depositional systems of sequence stratigraphic relevance.-
In: J.M. Ketzer and S. Morad (eds.), Linking Diagenesis
to Sequence Stratigraphy of Sedimentary Rocks, International Association
of Sedimentologists (IAS),
Publication, Blackwell (accepted for
1) Type of deposit
3. Type localities
4. Element
5. Mineral
Environment of deposition
7. Sequence
stratigraphic control: SB = Sequence boundary, LST
= Lowstand systems tract, TST = Transgressive systems tract, HST = Highstand
systems tract, MFZ = Maximum flooding zone, TS = Transgressive surface
Near-shore oolitic marine ironstones–Ordovician (Llanvirn, Caradoc)-Schmiedefeld (Germany)-
Gebersreuth (Germany)-Wittmannsgereuth (Germany)- Unterneuhüttendorf
(Germany)-Ejpovice (Czech Republic)- Krušná Hora (Czech Republic) - Nučice(Czech
Republic)- Zdice(Czech Republic)- Mníšek(Czech Republic)-Komárov (Czech
Republic) - Fe-(P)- thuringite, chamosite, siderite, hematite, goethite, ±
magnetite, ± pyrite, apatite, kaolinite (LOH)
shelf sandstones/ shore face deposits (MOH) tempestites below the storm wave
base (UOH) shore face, barrier and lagoon -(LOH) TS, (MOH) MFZ , (UOH) TS [LOH:
Lower ore horizon, MOH: middle ore horizon. UOH: upper ore horizon]
Black-shale-hosted polymetallic pyrite deposits- Silurian and Early Devonian-Gera-Ronneburg
(Germany)-Gräfenthal Horst (Germany)- Möschwitz (Germany)- Fe-Zn-Cu-Pb-U- (low
metal concentrations of chalcophile elements and gold)- pyrite, marcasite,
fahlore, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, sooty pitchblende, apatite - euxinic deep marine shelf environments and marine slope
environment-(TST ) MFZ
ironstones- Late Silurian
(Ludlowian)- Gräfenthal Horst (Germany)-
Fe- siderite (goethite)- swells topped by limestones
undergoing karstification- HST with SB
Near-shore oolitic marine ironstones- Devonian- Walderbach (Germany)-Vervier (Belgium)-Dinant
(Belgium)- Fe- Devonian- marine high energy regime
(storm deposits)- MFZ (to lower HST)
Nearshore marine-paralic clayband- and blackband-type
ironstones- Late Carboniferous- Ruhr
District (Germany)-Saar-Nahe Basin (Germany) - Fe- siderite, ± pyrite-
paralic (floodplain, backswamps to nearshore intertidal marshes)- MFZ
Kaolin deposits- Carboniferous
(Westphalian, Stephanian) Mesozoic, Cainozoic)- Karlovy Vary -Podbořany (Czech Republic)-
Al-Si- kaolinite- chemical weathering caused by tropical to
subtropical climates on a peneplain- SB
Unconformity-related uranium deposits- Permo-Mesozoic- Gera-Ronneburg (Germany)- U- pitchblende,
chalcocite, bornite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, As-Sb-Hg fahlore, galenite,
pyrrhotite, niccolite, smythite, millerite, covellite, pyrite, bravoite,
markasite, Ni-Co arsenide, hematite- chemical weathering
caused by tropical to subtropical climates on a peneplain - SB
Sandstone-hosted kaolin deposits- Mesozoic- Hirschau-Schneidenbach (Germany)- Al-Si-
kaolinite, plumbogummite- chemical weathering caused
by tropical to subtropical climates on a peneplain and
reworked into alluvial-fluvial deposits(HST)-SB
Vein-type F-Ba-U-bearing base metal deposits- Permian to Lower Jurassic- Dreislar (Germany),
Wölsendorf-Nabburg (Germany), Käfersteige (Germany), Oberwolfach (Germany), Bad
Grund (Germany), Maxonchamp (F), Val d´ Ajol (France), Münstertal (Germany), Freudenstadt (Germany), Eisenbach (Germany)
F-Ba-Pb-Zn-U- fluorite, barite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite,
marcasite, tetrahedrite, bournonite,
boulangerite, pyragyrite, pitchblende, ± coffinite-
unconformity-related-(SB Þ LST-TS)
Sediment-hosted and vein-type base metal deposits- Post-Permian- Marsberg (Germany)-
Cu-(Pb-Zn)- chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, selenides, native gold-
unconformity-related- SB Þ TS-TST-MFZ
Sediment-hosted and vein-type F-Ba-bearing base metal
deposits- Post-Permo-Triassic- Pingarten (Germany)-
F-Ba-Pb- barite, fluorite, cerussite, quartz- alluvial-fluvial- SB Þ
Sandstone-hosted base metal deposits- Jurassic- Maubach-Mechernich (Germany)- Pb-Zn- galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite,
bravoite, pyrite, tetrahedrite, bournonite, marcasite, covellite- alluvial-fluvial-lacustrine-
Coal- and
shale-bearing uranium deposits- Late Carboniferous to Early
Permian- Intrasudetic basin (Poland), Kladno-Rakovnik (Czech Republic), Plzen basins (Czech Republic), Döhlen-
(Freital) (Germany), Stockheim- (Germany), Weiden-( Germany), Oos-Saale-(
Germany), Saar-Nahe basins (Germany), St. Hippolyte (France)- U-(Pb-Cu-Zn)-
pitchblende, galena, sphalerite,
chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, marcasite- swamps and paludal –
marginal lacustrine environments- MFZ
Cu-dominated base metal deposits - Middle
to late Permian- Horní Vernéřovice (Czech Republic), Nowa Ruda (Poland), Okrzeszyn (Poland)- Cu-U-(Pb-Zn)- chalcocite, bornite, covellite, azurite and malachite,
galena, sphalerite, sooty pitchblende- fluvial to lacustrine- MFZ to lower
parasequences of the HST and upper parasequences of TST
MFZ Þ SB towards basin edge
Shale-hosted Cu-dominated
base metal deposits
(Kupferschiefer-type)- Late Permian –Triassic-
Polkowice (Poland) –Konrad (Poland)-Lena (Poland)-Richelsdorf (Germany), Mansfeld-Sangerhausen (Germany),
Spremberg-Weisswasser (Germany)-Cu-Pb-Zn (PGE)- chalcopyrite, bornite,
chalcocite, tennantite, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, covellite, digenite, hematite,
PGM- tide-dominated environment with flats and lagoons (sabkhas) under arid
conditions- Upper parasequences of the TST grading through the MFZ into the
lower parasequences of the HST
Sodium-, potassium and bitter salt-bearing evaporite
deposits- Late Permian (Thuringian)-Zielitz
(Germany)-Lehrte-Sehnde (Germany)- Borth (Germany)- Hengelo (The Netherlands)-
Neuhof-Ellers (Germany) -Nowa Sól (Poland)- Eschwege (Germany)- Giershagen (Germany )- Na- K- Mg-(Br)-F-Sr-
halite, sylvite, kieserite, carnallite, polyhalite, strontianite, celestite,
fluorite- sabkhas- LST onlapping HST
Cu--dominated base metal deposits – Mesozoic-
Twiste (Germany)- Wallerfangen (Germany)-Wrexen (Germany)-Helgoland (Germany)-
Cu-U-(Pb-Zn-PGE-Ni-Se)- cuprite, malachite, chalcocite, digenite, anilite,
bornite, stromeyerite, chalcopyrite, fahlore s.s.s., covellite, maucherite,
niccolite,. pyrite, cattierite, berzelianite, naumannite, guanajuatite,
uraninite, brannerite, gold, copper, PGE- fluvial to lacustrine- MFZ to lower
parasequences of the HST and upper parasequences of TST
MFZ Þ SB towards basin edge
Carbonate-hosted Zn-dominated base-metal deposits- Triassic to Tertiary- Olkusz - Chrzanow /Upper Silesia (Poland)- Wießloch (Germany)- Zn-Pb- galena, sphalerite,
pyrite, wurtzite, brunckite, marcasite, cerussite, smithsonite, goethite-
barrier, lagoon, sabkha, near-shore marine brackish, karst- HST (SB)
Strontianite-, celestite- and fluorite deposits- Middle Triassic- Jena-Göschwitz (Germany)- F-Sr- strontianite, celestite, fluorite-
sabkhas- HSTÞ SP
Evaporite deposits- Middle
Triassic- Bad Friedrichshall (Germany)- Heilbronn (Germany)-
Haigerloch-Stetten (Germany)-Rheinfelden
(Switzerland) - Zurzach (Switzerland)- Na- halite- sabkhas- LST
Sandstone-hosted Pb-dominated base metal deposits- Triassic with redeposition during the Cainozoic- Freihung
(Germany)-Wollau (Germany) -Eichelberg (Germany)- Pb- cerussite, galena, ±
chalcopyrite, ±sphalerite, ±bravoite, ±covellite, ±barite-
fluvial-lacustrine/ playa-(TST)-HAST
Evaporite deposits- Late
Triassic- Nancy (France)-Dieuze (France)- Na- halite- sabkhas- LST
Tabular sandstone-hosted uranium deposits- Late Triassic- Burgsandstein-Stubensandstein area (D)- U-
sooty pitchblende, ± coffinite, apatite, ± tyuyamunite, ±carnotite-
fluvial-swamp-playa- HST
Near-shore oolitic marine ironstones- Jurassic (Liassic to Malm)- Nancy (France),
Landres-Ottange (France), Esch-Rumelange-Differdange (Luxembourg)- Gutmadingen
(Germany)-Blumberg (Germany)-Geislingen (Germany)--Aalen (Germany)-Pegnitz
(Germany)-Nammen (Germany)- Gifhorn (Germany)- Herznach (Switzerland)-
Częstochowa – Zawiercie (Poland)-Lęczyca (Poland)- Fe-(P)- hematite,
goethite, chamosite, siderite, leptochlorites, ± thuringite, ± magnetite, ±
pyrite, apatite- near-shore marine high energy zone (regressional facies-(Fe) MFZ (P) TS Þ merging landward into SBs
Strontianite-, celestite- and fluorite deposits- Jurassic to Cretaceous- Deister Hills (Germany)-Hemmelte
West (Germany)- Sr-Ca-S- celestite, anhydrite- sabkhas HSTÞ SP
Near-shore marine pebble-ironstones- Cretaceous- Salzgitter (Germany)-
Peine (Germany)- Fe-
goethite-(fluvial)-marine (incised valley fill)- (SB)
Near-shore marine pebble- and black-river ironstones- Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)-Amberg-Sulzbach-Rosenberg (Germany)- Fe-P- goethite, siderite, apatite, ±
REE-Fe-phosphate- fluvial-lacustrine-brackish (incised valley fill)- (SB) LST-TS
Unconformity-related sandstone-hosted uranium deposits- Post-Turonian
-Königsstein (Germany) -
Hamr (Czech Republic)- U- pitchblende- alluvial
fan through near-shore marine siliciclastics- SB–LST-TST-MFZ
deposits- Late Cretaceous and
Tertiary- Tirschenreuth (Germany)- Goerlitz (Germany) - Meißen
(Germany)- Czerwona Woda (Poland)-
Zebrzydowa (Poland)- Strzegom (Poland) - Strzelin (Poland)-Znojmo (Czech
Republic) - Weinzierl-Kriechbaum (A)-Bolesławice (Poland) –Westerwald (Germany)- Al-Si- kaolinite, ±
gibbsite- chemical weathering caused by tropical to
subtropical climates on a peneplain, in places reworked into deltaic deposits- SB Þ LST ?
Garnierite deposits- Cretaceous
to Tertiary- Szklary (Poland)-Ząbkowice Sląskie (Poland)-St.
Egidien (Germany)-Krěmže
(Czech Republic) - Tąpadła
(Poland) - Góra Sleża (Poland)- Ni-(Mg)- garniertite, schuchartite, pimelite, amorphous magnesite- chemical
weathering caused by tropical to subtropical climates on a peneplain- SB
Vein-type base
metal deposits- Cretaceous to
Tertiary- Usingen (Germany)-Sauerland (Germany)- Brilon (Germany)-Ruhr
District (Germany)- Si-Ca-Pb-Zn- quartz, calcite, galena, sphalerite-
unconformity-related-(SB Þ LST-TS)
Carbonate-hosted base metal deposits- Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous (?)-
Aachen-Stollberg (Germany), Iserlohn-Schwelm
(Germany) Brilon (Germany), La Calamine
(Belgium)- Pb-Zn-Ba- galena, sphalerite, barite, smithsonite, willemite,
hemimorphite- unconformity-related/ karstification-(SB Þ
Sodium-, potassium and bitter salt-bearing evaporite
deposits- Tertiary-
Buggingen (Germany)- Na-K- halite, sylvite- sabkha- LST
Bauxite deposits- Miocene- Vogelsberg (Germany)- Al- gibbsite-
unconformity-related- SB
Unconformity-related uranium deposits- late Miocene to early Pliocene- Rudolphstein (Germany) -Fuchsbau (Germany)- U- uranophane, torbernite, autunite- late Miocene to early Pliocene-
unconformity-related- SB
Manganese–phosphate deposits- Neogene to Quaternary-
Rheinisches Schiefergebirge (Germany) Franken-Thüringer Wald (Germany) Schwarzwald (Germany)-Lahn area (D)-
Fe-Mn-P- goethite, poorly-hydrated Mn oxides, manganomelane, Al-sulphate-phosphates- unconformity-related/
karstification- SB