Profile - Application Research Training in GEOSCIENCES

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About me
         Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Harald G. DILL

1949: born in Marlesreuth/ Naila (Germany-Northern Bavaria)
marital status: married, two daughters
lutheran by faith-evangelical by practice

1955 - 1960: elementary school in Marlesreuth/ Naila
1960 - 1969: grammar school/ mathematical branch/ A level exams at Schiller-Gymnasium  in Hof/Saale

1969 - 1971: military service (overview)

1971 - 1978: studies at Würzburg, Aachen, Erlangen Universities
                 major: geology
                 minors: mineralogy, geography, economic geology

1974 - 1978: German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)

1975: Diplomgeologe (= M.Sc) - geology/ Würzburg University
1978: Dr.rer.nat. (= Ph.D) - mineralogy / Erlangen University
1985: Dr.rer.nat.habil. - geology / Mainz University
1988: Dr.rer.nat.habil. - applied geology-economic geology / Hannover University
1982 - 1988: Giving lectures and lecture courses at Mainz University (permanent basis) economic geology
since 1988 : Giving lectures and lecture courses at Hannover University (permanent basis) economic geology

1991: Außerplanmässiger Professor (Associate Professor) at Hannover University (mineralogy)

1978 - 1979: Bayreuth University - Department of Soil Siences and Soil Geography mineralogy-sedimentology

1979 - 1985: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resouces,  Hannover, geophysics

1986 - 1991: Project Management Group of the Continental Deep Drilling Project of the Federal Republic of Germany, Hannover, mineralogy, geochemistry, economic geology

since 1991:   Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, economic geology, geophysical exploration, technical mineralogy, applied sedimentology and geomorphology

2014 May: Termination of working lifetime at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover

ever since: Working as a freelance consultant geologist in economic geology and environmental protection

since 2013: Associate Editor "Ore Geology Reviews"
since 2015: Associate Editor "Journal of African Earth Sciences"
since 2014: Editorial Board Member: "Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Alexandru Joan Cuza-Seria Geologie"
since 2017: Editorial Board Member: "Dnipropetrovsk University Bulletin - Geology, Geography, and Geoecology"
since 2019: Editorial Board Member: "Minerals"
since 2023: Editorial Board Member: "Wehrtechnik" - Journal of Military Technology
in       2019: Guest Editor "Minerals" Special Volume "Mineral Deposits of Central Europe"
in       2020: Guest Editor "Minerals" Special Volume "Mineral Deposits of the Balkan Peninsula and Western Turkey"
in       2020: Guest Editor "Ore Geology Reviews" Special Volume "Ore Microbialites"
in       2021: Co-Guest-Editor "Journal of African Earth Sciences" Special Volume
"Advances of Precambrian Geologic Research in the African Plate"

2004: Quintino-Sella Prize awarded at the 32 nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy
2005: Silver Medal awarded by VFMG (Mineralogical and Geological Association)
2008: Honorary Professor -Mainz University
2010: Profesor Invitado de la Universidad Nacional del Sur - Bahia Blanca, Argentina

2013: Doctor honoris causa (Dr. h.c.) - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania


A lonely artilleryman mutilated but still
standing guard by his old canon which is
pointed at a target in the middle of nowhere

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